If Only Kinsey Was Here

Just as Katie said the last word louder, the wind around her strike Umbra up and threw him hard until his back hit a tree.

Umbra groaned in pain, and the next second he coughed and vomited blood. He held his chest and tried to stand up, which was in vain because the impact on his back was so hard that his strength was drained instantly.

Katie stunned unable speak any word as she had seen something. She saw something like an invisible wall coming from her body, darting and throwing the man. Katie could not believe what she was seeing. Furthermore, Umbra, the person she loved, could be thrown so far that he was injured. And that was because of her?

Was it really because of her?

Katie's body trembled in fear as she raised her trembling hands. She glanced at her hands in horror. A small red light like a lump of lava could be seen from her hands before it vanished into thin air.

What was that? What did she see just now? Did she really do it? Is she really a witch?

Katie's amber eyes turned red. It used to a golden yellow, but now it turned totally red - as red as fresh blood.

The dark clouds regrouped, and the weather deteriorated again. Lightning shouted with each other without stopping while Katie's breath began to be irregular. Her heart fluttered with extreme fear. She was terrified of the fact that she was not a normal human being.

Instantly Katie's chest felt tight, and she had difficulty breathing. For the first time, she realized the environment around her was abnormal. She saw a giant sphere surrounding her.

Katie saw that her Umbra still couldn't rise because the strong winds were still attacking him. His face also looked in pain, made her unable to watch it. She wanted to stop all this, but she didn't know-how.

"Kei, stop it. Don't be afraid. The more you feel scared, the weather will worsen," he persuaded her with all his might because he knew the wind swallowed his voice.

'Do not be afraid.' Katie could still hear his sentence.

How could she not be afraid? At the moment, Katie was scared to death to see blood around the man's mouth. Not to mention the terrible weather around her wrecked everything, but nothing happened to her.

How could she possibly be okay when there was a storm? How could she not be afraid? She can't... she can't be unafraid.

Tears began to flow, and rain also began to fall.

"Close your eyes, and try to remember when you lived in Louisiana." persuaded the Umbra again.

This time Katie obeyed. She closed her eyes and dug up her memories when she lived in a modest house in Louisiana.

She remembered she rejoiced when playing with her school mates. They played together, joked together, and were grounded when they didn't obey their teacher's orders.

She also remembered that child: Kinsey, the red-haired boy.

'Your voice is lovely. Even birds can sing along with you. Looks like you can become a famous singer later. If you become a singer, don't forget to invite me to your concert, okay?'

Katie's body slowly stopped trembling, and her lips revealed a small smile. She missed the days in Louisiana. She was happier, and there was no pressure whatsoever.

If time could turn back, she wanted to live as Captain Kei in Lousiana. It would be nice.


If only Kinsey was here with her right now.

Katie slowly opened her eyes. The color in her eyes also returned to normal, and the surrounding weather subsided.

Seeing that everything was back to normal, Umbra took a deep breath with relief. Because he was still not strong enough to stand up, he only leaned his back against the tree before reaching out his hand to Katie.

"Come here. I'll tell you something."

"..." Katie did not move from where she stood. She looked at the outstretched hand with a doubtful look.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."

"I know you won't hurt me. But I'm afraid I'll hurt you again."

Umbra showed a small smile. "How do you feel now? Angry? Afraid? Sad?"

Katie shook her head in response. "None of it."

"Then, what are your feeling now?"

"I feel... confused. Am I dreaming? Or am I just hallucinating? It feels like a dream. Weird dream."

"Good. Come here, you won't hurt me. At least... for now."

Katie's forehead frowned, disliking the phrase.

"As long as you don't feel angry or scared, you won't hurt anyone, Kei. Believe me."

Katie gulped nervously before she finally gave in and walked towards her Umbra.