Seal Her Power

"Then which family is she from? Vangarian? Or..."

"Nobody," Umbra answered while shaking his head. "Her mother was just an ordinary citizen, and she also came from America here. Her foster mother at the moment, is her biological mother's sister. While her biological father..." Umbra gestured at Charlie to get closer and whispered something to Charlie.

"Are you kidding? That thing... that's so... I don't believe this!"

Even though Charlie had not returned to Prussia in a dozen years, but he still couldn't believe his beloved country could do such a shameful disgrace.

"Now you understand why that child must go. The king wanted to marry her while the queen wanted to kill her. The Vangarians are more supportive of the queen and want the child never to return. The only way for her to live happily here is to lose her power."

"You know very well that there is no way to eliminate it without taking a life. That's an impossible thing to do."

Umbra did not answer and only looked straight into Charlie's eyes. Then Charlie remembered something and realized what the man wanted.

"You… can't that be what you mean?"

"Which one is it?" Umbra asked nonchalantly, pretending not to know.

"You have the heart to let her do it? She won't be able to stand it."

"I've been training her all this time. She'll endure it. You know the procedure better than me, so please explain everything to her. The risks, consequences, or whatever that she should know. I want her to think it over carefully and make a decision. If she still wants to get rid of it, I can only give her my support."

Charlie pondered for a moment.

Well, it was true. If Katleen didn't have her power anymore, Katie's eye color would change, and her hair could be dyed without fear of fading with water rinses. Not only that. Katie would be free from this detestable engagement and escape the clutches of the queen's hatred.

Isn't this the best way out? But what if it fails? The little girl might die.

"All right, I'll tell her what I know."

"Thank you, Chale."

"My name is Charlie, by the way." unfortunately, Umbra had gone to disappear in the crowd. "He hasn't changed at all." sighed he at his friend's aloofness.

Charlie returned to the table and smiled at the look of guilt in Katie's eyes.

"Sorry, I ate first. I'm already starving and don't know when you guys are done talking."

"No problem, I'm also famished."

"Where is Umbra?" Katie turned to look for her Umbra's figure.

"He left. As an Umbra, you know he shouldn't show up in public for a long time."

"No. I don't know. Why can't he show up? I always wondered why he had to cover his face whenever he met my parents."

Charlie sighed. Dimitri, just how much did you tell this kid anyway? She barely knew nothing at all.

"Do you know about the Terterro family? Vangarian? Have you heard of it?"

Katie stopped chewing and put on a serious face as if thinking. Seconds later, her face returned to normal and continued to enjoy the food.

"No. I've never heard of it. What is it? Is it a band? Or musical group?"

'I knew it.' Charlie complained silently.

It seemed that from the beginning, Dimitri did not intend to bring this child back to Prussia. Therefore he did not tell the facts that were not needed here.

After finishing their lunch, Charlie brought Katie to his office, where the two could talk freely. Katie agreed and hummed happily because soon she would become a normal girl.

But she quickly stopped singing and frowned when she realized the birds began to fly following her. Even though she just hummed... not singing! Why are the birds had a sharp hearing?

Seeing a funny expression on Katie, Charlie chuckled. No wonder Dimitri was very fond of this child. Katie was an adorable child. The girl still looked charming in a frowning look, even though she was almost sixteen years old.

Once in his office in the Paxton Group's main company building, Charlie began to be serious.

"Alright, Katie, you want to be a normal girl, right? Like I said, there is no way to make your power gone. Your strength is like your life's energy. If it disappears, it means you are dead. But... there is a way to seal your power."

"Seal my power? How?"

"You may hear that someone born as the 'Red King' will never be able to live happily. When they know they can seal his strength, they choose not to seal it. There is a good reason they want to live as a 'Red King' rather than seal it. I'd like you to think about it carefully. After this, if you are sure of your decision, I will tell your Umbra a suitable place to seal your power."

Katie swallowed nervously. Why does it seem... this sealing isn't as simple as she imagined.