Going To Prussia

The two of them prepared to strike again when they saw their invader standing up. The next second, their eyes gawked in surprise when they saw their intruder jumped out of the window.

They quickly approached the window only to see the intruder was jumping from one tree to another before finally disappearing. They looked down on the ground then at the tree on which the intruder had landed.

The sixth floor was quite high, even if they have to jump down. And to jump into the tree across... they doubt they could do it.

The distance between the tree and the window was quite far, not to mention the tree had small branches. So how could the intruder landed on top of a tree perfectly and jump right into another one?

"Is he a ninja? How can he jump from here to the tree?" nagging Kinsey's colleague still disbelieve what he saw.

"Well, he was not an ordinary human, for sure." Kinsey agreed. "Find out what he has taken. And also speed up the transfer time. Security here has gotten worse. Once I become the core team leader, I will move the main headquarters to my own island."

"Yes, sir."

The next day, Kinsey looked at the tree opposite the window on the sixth floor.

No matter how you think about it, no human would be able to jump that far. Who is this person? And why does he only take one capsule instead of taking a full bottle?

And again, how could that person know to choose the most valuable capsules ever created by the LS organization? What an unusual thief.

There was one more that made him wonder. How in the world the man knew his name?

"Kinsey, what are you daydreaming about? About last night?"

"I was just curious who that person was. Obviously, he wanted to kill me. But once he recognized me... he stopped himself."

"He recognizes you?"

"He even called my name."

"Only LS knows your name. How can outsiders know your name?"

"That means we've met before."

"Too bad, he wore a mask. If not, you can remember his face."

Kinsey rolled his eyes lazily. What kind of intruders who do not wear masks when infiltrating a place? Only stupid intruders did it.

Once again, Kinsey looked towards the tree. Suddenly he remembered something.

"I have to go."


"I will continue my studies in Prussia."

"You mean Germany? Didn't you register in London?"

"I changed my mind. If my father asked me where I was, tell them I would visit my ancestral family," he said in a relaxed gesture while smiling enthusiastically.


Once arrived at one of the simple lodgings in Prussia, Kinsey's cell phone immediately rang. He just smiled wryly at the name of the caller.


"Are you crazy?! What are you doing in Prussia?"

"Someone broke through the branch headquarters, and I suspected him of being from the Oostven tribe. I will try to find the tribe and learn one or two from them."

"As soon as they find out you are a descendant of Paxton, they will kill you. Paxton is considered a traitor's family, and they never accept returning members who have betrayed."

"Dad. My name is Kinsey Alvianc, not Kinsey Paxton. Besides, isn't the Alvianc group working with Tettero? I will approach them. It just so happens that I am good friends with their child."

"Kinsey." Marcel's voice was like a warning tone. "I've lost your mother. I don't know whether your sister is alive or not. If I lose you too..." which continued to sound like a hopeless person.

Kinsey was voiceless, not knowing how to answer. He knew what his father been through. Kinsey knew his father did everything to protect him and find his long-lost twin sister. Yet, he couldn't stay quiet if he knew he could do something. He was no longer a weak child. He was already grown up enough to know what was right and wrong.

Kinsey looked out through the window of his room with a blank stare.

"You won't lose me. I promise. I'm not a helpless little boy anymore. It's time you let me climb these obstacles. Isn't this what you want since you decided to give me the chairman's position?"

"..." Marcel indeed wanted his eldest son to grow stronger, but not by throwing himself into Paxton's enemy lair. "All right, I will leave you there. If there is an incident where I have to intervene myself, you must return and obey my orders. Also, I will cancel your position as team leader S."

"Deal," Kinsey answered firmly.