Katie's First Love

Inside the elevator, Katie reached into her sling bag and took the key chain the boy had given her, which she now used as her apartment key holder. Come to think of it why did she decide to use it? She could just throw it away or at least store it in a warehouse.

But why did she use it as a keyholder to her residence instead store it in her storage room?

The elevator door opened, and Katie walked into the lobby until she exited through the main entrance of the building.

Realizing she had not returned the key in her sling bag, she immediately put it back. After making sure the key was safely stored in her purse, she stepped out towards the particular parking lot where Aiden was waiting for her.

"Miss! I'm sure this is your item."

Katie turned to see a tall man in a length-knee black suit, handing her a hanger.

Katie clicked in annoyance, was it possible that she had dropped the key earlier? How careless she is.

Because she also forgot whether she had put the key safely in her bag or not, Katie accepted the keyholder happily without paying attention to the details.

"Thank you." aware that Aiden had been waiting for her long enough, Katie immediately ran to leave him.

As soon as she found a car that she was very familiar with, Katie got in without hesitation.

"Sorry to keep you waiting long," said Katie.

Without warning, Aiden pressed the back of his hand to Katie's forehead.

"You're running? Why do you have to run? Do you miss me that much?"

If she hadn't heard of Nerissa's assumption that Aiden liked her, Katie would have deflected his hand and made a sullen face. Afterward, they would return to talk normally like ordinary friends.

But now, she didn't know how to respond to the question of the man next to her.

If Aiden really likes her, then what about her feelings? Does she like Aiden? Yes, she likes him. But her feelings of joy were the same as those of Steve or other male friends. Not a special feeling of love aimed at a lover.

Plus, their age gap was huge, nearly twelve years, and Aiden often treated her like a child. Not that she disliked it. She even secretly likes to be spoiled by this man. It is just...

Katie sighed because she no longer wanted to think about this very complicated thing.

"Hm? You're very strange. You don't usually become silent like this." Aiden chuckled and ran his car.

Katie rubbed the apartment keyholder the good-hearted person had found. Then she realized, there was no key to her residence there. Only the box-shaped hangers with a small mic decoration. Then where is the key to the apartment? "

Katie immediately opened her bag to look for the inside, where she usually kept her house key. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the key was still safe in her bag.

Strangely, her key is still linked to her keyholder. Then, whose hangers did she receive?

Instantly her heart beat fast and immediately told Aiden to stop the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Katie got out and ran as fast as she could toward the agency building. Katie did not know the reason for this heartbeat was because she was running or because she would meet her childhood friend again.

Red-haired boy. The boy remembered her! Does he know her? Did he come to her concert? Why has the kid never find her all this time?

Once she arrived in front of the agency building, Katie looked around to find the man. It's just that she couldn't find him. She didn't remember the man's face, but she felt confident she would recognize that person once she saw him.

Unfortunately, none of the people she stopped were the same people she was looking for.

Katie's eyes began to glaze, filled with frustration. Why, at a time like this, the child's name did not appear in her brain? It would be easier if she called the boy's name. Unfortunately, she did not remember. She couldn't remember the boy's name.

What is his name? What was it again? Kevin? Kenzo? Kenai?

Ugh! She only remembered the first letter.

Katie stopped looking and looked at the key chain the man had given her. Why did that person deliver this keyholder to her? Does the person intend to sever their relationship in the past?

Katie took her key chain and put it together with its pair. Her chest ached and hurt. She felt like crying, but no tears were coming out of her eyes. That's when she realized something.

Now she understood one thing. The reason why the child left a deep impression on her; the reason why that child sometimes appeared in her dreams; the reason why Katie couldn't hate the child even though she wanted to.

Katie fell in love with the child.

The boy was her first love.