First Dance Ceremony

"I think Katleen Morse is the right partner for you. Isn't that right?"

Ah? Why did his father suddenly mention Katie's name? Kinsey remembered something and snorted.

"Vincent told you." guessed Kinsey.

Marcel just smiled in amusement. "He said you seemed interested in this famous singer. Why didn't you try to hit on her?"

Is that something to say from an old man like his father?

Besides, does he have the right to approach the girl? He broke his promise to the girl. Not only that, but his hands were also dirty. They were full of blood of each person he killed on a mission from the Oostven tribe. Not to mention he still hid the other side of his true self.

"She'll hate me once she knows I'm a monster. She deserves better." Kinsey continued, turning around, wanting to be alone.

"Kinsey, it's all over. It's about time you forget the past. No enemies or danger are lurking around. Stealth has also been destroyed, the LS has also been dissolved. It's time to live a normal life."

Kinsey could still hear her father's last advice before he walked around and entered the mansion through a side door.


Vincent's marriage to Cathy still continued until dinner. But before the main party, they were having a short break to change more casual clothes to join the 'after-party.'

Some invited guests stayed at the mansion and built tents in a huge yard near the lake.

Those staying at the mansion were the bride's family and close friends. While young people who want to stay overnight built tents in the backyard of the lake. The yard near the lake filled with dozens of tents ready to be used as a place to rest. Some don't wish to stay overnight will go home before the 'after party' event.

After-party event was an event where people who still wanted to party together. They dance, drink until their bodies were no longer strong enough to dance.

Of course, the elders and children would definitely not attend this event because they preferred to sleep. The ones who will join this party will be young people who were happy with drinking and dancing as if they were in some clubs.

But before that, there was still the first dance opening ceremony at precisely half-past nine in the evening.

Amid the crowd, Cathy was getting ready with her white dress and Vincent wearing a long-sleeved white shirt. The invited guests stood somewhat away in a circle to make room for the bride and groom.

Vincent and Cathy start dancing to the romantic waltz music. Both of them danced while smiling and looked at each other with loving eyes. Cathy's body spun then returned to Vincent. Each time Cathy spins, her canal skirt spins and falls beautifully.

Their friends record both of them with astonishment at their own cameras. They gasped in awe of the dancing couple who look suitable for each other. One was tall, handsome with dark black hair while the lady was beautiful like an angel with her reddish-brown hair.

Both of them seemed to have been made for each other. They danced like princes and princesses in fairy tales. Those who witnessed them were both fascinated and could not look away at the happy couple.

At the end of the song, Vincent lowered his face to kiss Cathy's lips. Everyone instantly cheered applauding while whistling.

Vincent raised one hand as if to ask for their cheers to being even more hectic. There was an agreement beforehand from their emcee. The couple shall not let go of their kisses before the applause of the audience stopped.

Seeing Vincent's hand gestures made everyone laugh and further raised their cheers and whistle in a teasing manner.

Cathy noticed the small movements Vincent made and hit her husband's shoulder with exasperation. What a cunning husband she had!

Vincent just chuckled to see Cathy pouting adorably. There was red tinge on her cheeks that she couldn't hide from her husband's sharp eyes.

After that, there was another unique music which was followed by fireworks eruption into the dark sky.

Instantly everyone, including Cathy and Vincent, looked up at the sky, still hugging each other.

As far as Cathy remembered, there were no fireworks on the Vanessa program list. Why are there fireworks now?

But she did not overthink it because the fireworks were breathtaking with thousands of beautiful colors. Even when it erupted into the sky, there was a heart picture with the words 'I Love You.'

Cathy looked at her husband with loving eyes realized this was another surprise from her husband.

At the peak of the song that began magnificently, dozens of fireworks erupted simultaneously to make the sky bright. Miraculously many sparrows flew round and then in their respective positions to form two hearts attached together. Even Vincent, who did not involve birds, was astonished.

Then the birds flew down around Cathy and Vincent. Cathy laughed happily, followed by a happy smile on Vincent's face.

Vincent did not know how this bird could liven up the atmosphere, but he was delighted to see his wife's sparkling face. Even the guests who saw it were amazed by what the sparrows did and recorded the romantic scene.

Not long after that, the sparrows flew back up with the other fireworks appearing from two sides, forming seven arches of different colors.

Rainbow! The fireworks produce curved smoke like a rainbow.

All of her life, Cathy never wanted to see a rainbow because she could not see colors. She could not even see what color a firework would create.

But now, she could see colors. And for the first time, Cathy saw a burst of fireworks that were so lively in the sky with thousands of colors. Cathy was very fascinated by the sights and gasped in awe endlessly.