Ziel's Hunting (1)

The next morning, Katie got up on time and quickly cleaned up to get ready to head to the main bungalow for breakfast together. She had forgotten the sadness and irritation she felt last night. Now her mood was getting better, and she could smile as usual.

It's just that as soon as she entered the dining room, she saw a man standing there with a smile that could make her heart race.

"Good morning," greeted Kinsey.

Since Katie was still relatively in a good mood, she only responded to his greeting with a small smile. Then she went past him without giving the man a second glance. She chose to think that the man did not exist rather than spoil her sunny day.

Katie quickly mingled with a group of women who were preparing bowls and plates for breakfast. Kinsey was neither disappointed nor sad, even though Katie ignores him. He just stood there looking at Katie curiously. This is another of Katie's character, and he can't help but like the girl's personality.