Red Wolf (1)

A few hours earlier ...

Once in Oberpflaz, Hillary immediately took Kinsey and Kirena around the city. Hillary proudly shows them the magnificent places with her guidance.

Kinsey glanced north towards the Valeys Mountain. He assumed it was the primary residence of the Vangarians. Most likely, Strockvinch was hiding there.

"Kinsey, according to your request, I didn't say that you are the main owner of the Alvianc group. I don't want a lot of women around you," said Hillary, circling her both hands on Kinsey's arm in an intimate manner.

At this moment, Hillary already assumed that Kinsey wanted to date her.

"Hm. Thank you." came the short answer from the man. Kinsey removed his arm from Hillary's circling hand imperceptibly and returned to pretend she enjoyed the city view.