One Million Euro

As per Kinsey's request, Hillary shortly contacted her uncle and directly asked permission to go up the mountain. Unfortunately, her uncle still had business in the north, so she had to wait for his reply after her uncle returned.

For now, she would spend her time alone with Kinsey... only if the female doctor was not here!

That afternoon Hillary always took great care at Kinsey and offered him whatever Kinsey wanted. She completely ignored Kirena as if the female doctor didn't exist.

Kirena was so used to Hillary's attitude that she didn't really care about it. Well, she wasn't Kirena if she didn't counterattack. Kirena sits next to Kinsey leisurely while her hand patted Kinsey's chest, earning a scorn look from Hillary.

Kirena whined while putting puppy eyes and said, "Kinsey, I'm hungry. Let's go find something to eat out."

Hillary glared in disbelief at what she heard just now. "You finished a cookie box of mine, and you're still hungry?"