Kinsey's Vision

In one of the hotel rooms, a woman is fast asleep. Her red hair was now flowing beautifully, her soft white skin made her look like a sleeping princess from a fairy tale.

That woman is none other than Katalina. Whoever kidnapped her and took her to the hotel was kind enough to wrap her leg in a bandage because she hit her when she fell. And the abrasions on her face have also been treated.

"How is her condition?" a man with dark brown hair came into the room, asking Katie's condition to the doctor who had treated Katie's wound.

"Her legs are a little swollen. Maybe she won't be able to walk normally for the next few days. Besides, there are blisters on several parts of her body, but overall she is fine. Her life is not in danger." replied the doctor. "Chairman Kinsey, can you explain to me what happened? Isn't she Katleen Morse?"

"He's Egon's granddaughter. She's not Katleen Morse."

"Ooo," came the reply from Kirena. "Then, who is she?"