
Five days later, in the city of Bavaria, where the Oostven tribe lives...

Since Katie woke up five days ago at the hotel, Katie's mood was terrifically very good. Even now, Walther and the others could see her shining face. A big smile never stopped on her face, and she was very cheerful and friendly to anyone she met.

Every time Katie's feet passed the plants, the flowers bloomed beautifully, even though it was not the season. The birds in the air always sang to greet Katie, who came out of her house.

At first, everyone was amazed. They had never seen the princess as happy, free, and behaving like this. Did anything fun happen when Katie walked into the Valeys Forest?

Impossible. When Walther picked Katie up at the hotel, the girl's feet were swollen, and there were several blisters on her cheeks and hands. And just yesterday, Katie's leg recovered, and now she can walk and even run as usual.