Drew A Line

"What happened to me?"

"Nobody knows. Alex said your face turned pale all of a sudden, and you fainted. After two days of unconsciousness, Alex told Honda to contact Mertun. That's why we are here now. Besides, I prioritize your health more than serving the woman stalker. You know, she was really persistent to the point I want to snap her head."

Kinsey smiled a little at that. He could quite imagine how much Kirena was struggling to try to stop Hillary from finding out about his location. And he is very grateful to his friend, who came up with an idea to directly ask Tettero for help.

Hillary won't be able to come here even if the woman is eager to follow Kinsey wherever Kinsey goes. After all, Hillary was a member of the Vangarians, and she could not just enter into Tettero's territory without being invited.

Patiently and painstakingly, Kirena helped Kinsey and prepares food that can restore Kinsey's health.