Chit Chat

Katie glanced sideways to see Kinsey have a smile on his face. Seeing the man smiling, she smiled too. It was strange, seeing the man next to her feeling happy, she also felt joy.

"Kinsey, can I ask you something?"

"Hm? Just ask."

"Do you know Catherine West? Yesterday you mentioned her."

"She's my twin sister."

Hearing this, Katie was shocked. Cathy has a twin brother? Since when? As far as she remembered, Cathy only had sisters, not a brother.

Then a memory flashed through her mind causing her to have a headache. Katie remembered she was in a grand room with Cathy. She remembered that her body was covered in wounds, and Cathy's neck was wrapped in bandages.

It was then that she remembered Cathy telling her something, and one of them was Cathy had a twin brother who had been separated since birth. But other than that, she couldn't remember. Like why she and Cathy were injured or Cathy's other explanations, Katie didn't remember at all.