Chit Chat

"Looks like the wolf is still mad at me."

"..." Kinsey chose to remain silent. "Why didn't you tell me if you decided to let her stay here? Could it be that you have some hidden purpose?"

"Whose fault went first before hearing what I have to tell you?"

Kinsey rolled his eyes lazily. He had absolutely no interest in playing on words with this tribal elder. He preferred to look at Katie's face, which is now beamed with endless joy.

"That girl, her negative emotions are starting to come out again. Maybe because of yesterday's incident."


Kinsey had expected it. As the sky suddenly grew cloudy and then suddenly returned to light, he already suspected Katie's mood swing had caused it. He had thought that the sky or the weather wouldn't change easily even if Katie's mood changed because there were no negative emotions towards Katie.

But the sky had changed a few minutes ago. It meant a negative emotion came back from inside Katie.