I Love You

A color.

Katie saw a color covering the man's body, and it was gray.

This was new to her, so out of curiosity, she turned her head towards Tanya. She was shocked as she could saw a color that was different from Stanley. It was a purple color.

Then what about Kinsey?

Katie glanced at Kinsey and what she saw wasn't there. There wasn't any color on Kinsey's body. When she shifted her eyes back at the previous man named Stanley, she didn't see the gray color either. Is it possible she was hallucinating?

"Uhm... Miss Oostven, you better stop looking at me before my boss kills me with his gaze."

Katie instantly lowered her head in embarrassment from staring at a strange man for a longer time than she should have.

"You won't die just because of my gaze."

"My soul is so weak, I will definitely die from being crazy to receive your terrible gaze," replied Stanley in an exaggerated tone.

Once again, Kinsey rolled his eyes lazily.