Prince Leonard

Why is this woman looking at him so investigative? She remembered Kinsey said that they had met once at Cathy's wedding.

Did Hillary recognize her?

But didn't Kinsey say Hillary doesn't remember her face, so the woman keeps pushing Cathy to send her photos?

"Is there anything I can help you?" finally, Katie decided to ask in no hurry.

"Have we met before? I think we have."

Katie felt cold sweat running down her back. Luckily she managed to cover up her restlessness with a confused expression.

"Really? Sorry, but I don't remember having to meet you before."


Katie, Hillary, and Ilsa immediately turned their eyes towards the owner of the voice. The person had dark brown hair with the same eye color. Katie instantly recognized this man as Prince Leonard.

Following Ilsa's movement, who quickly saluted the prince, Katie also bowed in salute with one leg behind another foot.