Buried Memories

Tettero's driver followed Katie's wish to go somewhere he never encountered before. He didn't know why Katie wanted to go to this place, but he did know this place wasn't a place anyone could enter.

He did not remember the name of this place. It was said that there was a forest behind the mountain which was always shrouded in thick fog. Nobody dared to enter the woods unless that person desired to commit suicide. There were also rumors that once someone entered the misty forest, that person would never come back.

"Miss, are you sure you want to enter this forest? I heard you would never find a way back once you entered the misty woods." asked the driver worriedly for Katie's safety when Katie got out of the limousine.

"No. I'm not going in. Just now, your account got a hundred thousand euros in. I wanted to bribe you not to tell anyone that you dropped me off here."

"A hundred thousand?!"

"Can you do it?"