Little Mouse Meimei

Meisya, who could not wait to run away and seek help, immediately stepped out as the elevator arrived at the ground floor.

Unfortunately, her arm was pulled roughly, and her body lifted back into the lift made her realize. The person who appeared before her as soon as the elevator doors opened was one of the people from the group who kidnapped her.

"HELP! SOMEONE SAVE... Hmph! Hmmmmmm!!!"

Meisya again shed tears as soon as her mouth was pressed tightly by the big rough hand. Was her attempt to escape ultimately in vain?

Her heartbeat was pounding rapidly as the elevator went up to the same floor. She was petrified of what Hunter would do to her once she back in the room.

It was clear that the young girl had warned her not to irritate Hunter, but she had already bit him. She did not know what kind of repayment the man will give her.