
"I'm sure Hunter has explained everything to you. That's why if you feel hungry or want to eat something, take it from the fridge as you like. Just considered this place like home."

Meisya just nodded her head while enjoying her breakfast in silence. Very delicious. This girl was very good at cooking. Whoever marries this girl will be fortunate.

"My name is Angelique, by the way. You can call me, Angel."

"My name is Meisya. But... I think you already know that."

Angel smiled in response.

"Have you been to Holland before?"


"Then you can take this opportunity to take a walk. Too bad, it will be winter soon. Much of the water in the lake has started to freeze. Otherwise, I can show you around town by boat."

"What? You will do that?"

"Of course. You just have to say it, and we'll grant it."

"Why? Why are you nice to me? I don't have anything to reward you."

"It's true. But I already received the payment."