Stanley's Feelings

"You are bullying me! You agree not to bully me!"

"Eh? This agreement will only take effect after we get married later. We haven't married yet. So I can tease you to my heart content." remarked Stanley in a witty tone, then turned back into his room to avoid Meisya's erratic tantrum. He didn't want Meisya to change her mind and insist on canceling their marriage agreement.

"Hunteeeerr! You are so annoying!" Meisya grunts sulkily, making Stanley laugh with amusement.

"Ah, one more thing. My name is Stanley. From now on, call me Stanley." followed by a wink and a mischievous grin.

This very unusual action of Stanley left Meisya speechless. Not to mention that her heart was wild again, and the heat came back on her face.

Even when Stanley had entered his room, Meisya still looked dumbfounded and didn't move.

"Stanley," muttered Meisya very quietly as if saying a prayer.