Sweet Husband

"What are you thinking?"

Meisya lowered her head even more at Stanley's question.

"It's nothing," she answered so quietly that she almost whispered.

Without realizing it, the sunset perfectly. The room where there was still a little light was now darker. Meisya wondered if Stanley didn't turn on the house light on purpose? Does Stanley want to scare her again?

Impossible. The man promised not to bully her again. So it's impossible. Somehow Meisya became doubtful again.

Suddenly Meisya heard soft, tender music. Then there were some pretty little lights on in every corner of the room. The atmosphere around her seemed serene, maybe even... romantic?

"Would you give me the honor to dance with you?"

Meisya's heart was beating fast, seeing her husband reach out his hand toward her. Not to mention the man's smile was very charming to the point mesmerizing her.