Who Is Prettier?

"Stanley," for the first time, Meisya changed her ways to escape from the man's teasing. She made a puppy face and blinked her eyes adorably several times.

What she did not know was her current expression that could captivate Stanley's heart. If only Stanley didn't have a high enough defense, he would feast on his wife right there and then.

Luckily, Stanley didn't and decided to go back to help Meisya arrange the glass globe on top of the cabinet.

To enliven the atmosphere, Stanley offered Meisya to ask him anything. Meisya has complained about her problem of not knowing anything about Stanley. Because of that, Stanley let Meisya ask anything, and he answered it frankly without anything to cover up.

Their convo went smoothly until Meisya asked something that Stanley wished to avoid.

"Did you ever have a lover?"