The Color Of Life (2)

"Gray is unpredictable. His attitude, the way he carries himself... you can never trust him completely. He could be on your side, and he could be against you by stabbing you in your back. Gray is very rare to find. They are people like a sleeping lion. You will not want to disturb him."

"If you succeed in getting him to side with you, he will help you with all the ability he has. But if he had changed a heart, this person is much more terrifying than those pitch-black people. You can know when and where the black color will attack you because they are always attacking you in public. As for the gray color... you can never guess."

Katie fell silent as she pondered this information. She was sure she saw Stanley's color life in gray color. Does that mean Stanley has something that could harm her? Right. The man had something that might be against her.