Waking The Lion

"You don't like it?" came the worried tone from Meisya.

Once again, Stanley turned his attention towards his wife. He smiled gently before answering his wife's question.

"Not that I don't like it, I'm just not used to it."

"Then you have to get used to it. Maybe this won't be the last surprise you'll receive."

"Meimei, it won't be a surprise if you've already told him." teased Angel making the others laugh.

Even Stanley laughed with the others. All whole of his life, he never celebrated his birthday nor eager to expect his birth date. For him, the day of his birth was not so important, considering he was already an orphan when he was a few months old. After that, he ended up being raised by an abusive parent.

He didn't know what a birthday or a birthday celebration meant. Even when Daniel raised him, the man was not very good at celebrating birthdays.