Katie To The Rescue (1)

Katie crouched down to stare at her reflection in the fair lake water. Her blood-red eyes faded away and turned to an amber color gradually. The color continuing faded before her eyeballs became entirely dark brown.

Now she even could change the color of her pupils at will. She did not even need to wear contact lenses to hide her crimson eyes.

"Little girl, remember not to get close to the origin. Since you are now the ruler of nature, the origin will die if he stays close to you for too long. You don't even realize you will use your power to kill him. Do be careful. And one more thing you need to remember. Don't heal others too often aside from healing yourself. Otherwise, it will slowly kill you."

Katie nodded her head knowingly, remembering all the advice from the person who had trained her for half a year.

"Are you ready?" asked Vasco.

"I'm more than ready. Are you sure you don't want to come? Haven't you been stuck in this place for decades?"