Leonard Is In Bayern

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please... you guys can continue." Meisya's cheek flushed, and turning so she could walk into the house.

"Wait!" exclaimed Kinsey, stopping Meisya's steps. "Don't you want to walk her away? I'll go first."

Kinsey gave Katie a light kiss on the forehead and whispered, "Don't go on too long, or I'll catch up with you."

Katie smiled meekly as she nodded her head in acknowledgment of her lover's request. Her smile grew wider when Kinsey stroked her hair fondly.

As soon as Kinsey disappeared into the house, Meisya approached her sister with a warm hug.

"You're so mean. You didn't wait for me and just walked away." Meisya accused her while pretending to sulk.

"I was only gone for three days, anyway I want to know what happened in Bayern. There weren't many cameras installed because the majority of the area was the forest. So Tiffany couldn't tell me anything about the situation there."