The Love Letter (1)

Kinsey devoured Katie's lips deliciously as if her sweet lips were the best meal in the world. Kinsey pulled Katie's body closer with one hand while the other hand slipped behind the nape of her neck to deepen their kiss, earning a delicious moan escaped from her lips.

Katie's heart began beating wildly in her chest as she felt the rough yet firm skin on her fingers. She just remembered Kinsey was shirtless, and now both hands perfectly pressed against his chest muscles.

Katie was stunned by what she felt on her fingertips for a moment. It wasn't the man's skin that startled her, but Kinsey's heartbeat in the palm of her hand. It turned out that the man's heartbeat was no less fast than hers.

Clumsily, Katie tried to keep up with Kinsey's wanton tongue. Her hands moved to enjoy the strong muscles so that and wounded around the man's neck.