Icy Coffin

Who knows for how long Katie had been falling unconscious. When she woke up, she felt a shiver ran down through her spines, and it was not a metaphor. She really was shivering with cold and swear she could feel her bones became frosted.

Where is she? Even after opening her eyes, she couldn't see anything. Katie also tried to get up, but something hit her head. Nervously, Katie raised her hands as if reaching for the stars in the sky. But not halfway, her hand bumped something.

Katie touched that 'something' with her fingers all the way through both sides to make her realized that she was inside a coffin!

Strangely, this coffin was so cold that it felt like she was inside a freezer.

Katie tried to bring out her strength, but not a single her life energy came out. This was almost the same as when she tried to seal her power source at the snowy mountain.