There Is A Blue King!?

Katie and Kinsey were ready to leave the hotel when they saw someone familiar in the lobby.

"Yo! Long time no see." Walther greeted Kinsey with a wide grin.

"How did you know I was here?" an eyebrow rose in Kinsey's surprise at Walther's sudden appearance.

"Your colleague told me." Then Walther smiled broadly at Katie. "Katalina, finally, you don't have to worry about your time anymore," exclaimed Walther, moving towards Katie to embrace her like a brother hugs his sister.

Walther was genuinely delighted to learn Katie's shortening age was nothing to worry about. Katie could live as long as an average human could be. She could get old like other people and be with her loved ones.

Walther's both hands already reached about Katie's neck, and the girl welcomed his embrace like a sister would, however... Kinsey put his huge palm on Walther's chest and held the man from approaching his girl.