Icy Rocks

The night before Katie entered the tunnel, a woman danced crazily like a drunk at a night club. Too engrossed in dancing, she didn't realize that two people approached her. Then the woman was pulled out by force.

At first, the woman struggled, but when she recognized the faces of the two men who had been her bodyguards, the woman stopped fighting. She laughed sarcastically and wondered since when was her uncle looking for her again?

Hillary Dunst became like a madwoman when she heard the news of Kinsey Alvianc's death. She was quite relieved because it turned out that the report was just fake news. However, she became even crazier when she found out that her uncle stabbed Kinsey, which nearly killed the man.

That's why she gave no interest anymore. At first, she hoped that she would win him over when she came to Germany after Kinsey. She could ask her uncle to tie their relationship through a business marriage.