
Some time ago, Kinsey and Stanley watched several monitors inside the tent made by BZO. Apart from Ferd and Walther, Kinsey hardly knew the other members of BZO. But he had seen some of their faces in the Tettero mansion and Oberpflaz.

As Ode said, BZO members spread out all over the place, playing their respective roles. They would never know if it turned out that their neighbors who look weak or look innocent were mysterious BZO members.

"Katalina is here," said Stanley giving the report, making Kinsey sigh with relief.

Finally, it will finish soon. Once Katie destroyed the 'tool,' they could return to America.

But... Kinsey still couldn't shake his uneasiness. He felt something would happen as soon as the tool was destroyed. After all, facing the power of the ruler of nature was not merely what the eye sees.