It Was All Worth It

Katie felt somewhat calm when the animals surrounded the residents so that the flames would not approach them. It seemed that this 'fire' didn't want to injure the animals.

Luckily Alpha appeared and wanted to help her by giving orders to the animals. Then now... how does she extinguish this fire?

Katie had tried it a few times, but she couldn't control the flames. She couldn't even touch it, let alone put it out.

Wait a minute. What about Kinsey and Tanya?

Katie immediately asked about their situation to Tiffany.

"Merah took Tanya and Joan outside the Prussian border. Now they are safe there. While Kinsey..."

"What's with Kinsey?" Katie couldn't help but panic at Tiffany's interrupted sentence.

"Relax. He is fine. Instead, he helped the residents get out of the flames. It looks like the flames also avoided Kinsey."

Ah? Is it because Kinsey is the origin?