Katie's Mourning

With great patience, Kinsey continued to hug the grieving Katie. He stroked her back and whispered consoling words.

He knew losing family members was the hardest thing. When he found out that his mother left this world, Kinsey went into shock and had no motivation to live. When he found out that his sister was kidnapped, he became like a bloodthirst madman and itched to kill anyone who gets in his way.

He could understand Katie's feelings right now. Although Katie was not related by blood to everyone in Bayern, the Oostven tribe was part of her life. The Oostven tribe has been in her family for the past seven years.

Losing the Oostven tribe in one night was like losing a whole family.

It looks like ... the Oostven members who managed to survive and left were only Ferd and Walther.

Katie's crying began to subside after being satisfied with crying for almost half an hour. The rain also started to subside until it stopped altogether.