Let's Go Home

Kinsey woke up when he felt the wind breeze tickling his skin. His eyes opened then narrowed as dazzling sunlight attacked his eyes. Reflexively, he moved his hands to protect his eyes from the scorching sun.

He didn't remember what had happened to him, but he felt he had fallen asleep all night after doing an incredibly tiring activity. Kinsey tried to recall yesterday's event, but nothing came out as if he had slight amnesia. He decided to follow his habit of getting up quickly and looking for water to wet his dry throat.

It was then that Kinsey noticed a small hand, tiny fingers… well, not as little as baby's. But it was definitely not the size of the hands and fingers that he remembered. He should have stout, muscular arms instead of being thin and looking vulnerable like this.

He rose to his feet and realized that he was not as towering as he remembered! What happened? Did someone make him shrink?