Chapter 11

We all are shaped by some incredible sadness, by a part of our pasts that still hurts .....

She let out a sigh. A sigh that felt like the burden of a thousand years flew away with it .

She didn't dare move . All she wanted was to disappear . She didn't feel that any of this was fit .

She didn't deserve love . She didn't know how to give it back either . It was something she haven't tasted in years .

"I mean there surely is something that you can't forget about me that makes you run behind like a little puppy, right ?" She said trying to throw an insult, trying to puncture his ego .

She had to act strong. There was no way he could smell her weakness.

"True" he whispered against her neck, his arms looped around her waist, "in fact I can't get you of my mind" .

Her heartbeat just got faster but her brain did t follow . Logic left her. She shouldn't be giving in but she was .

She turned to face him and pushed him away but he grabbed her hands . She frowned and shook her head as a sign of refusal .

"That ego of yours is driving everyone around you crazy ! You leave to the middle of nowhere and make everybody panic and then act like you haven't left a life behind? What's wrong with you, June ?'

"What's not wrong with me !" She steps on his leg and frees her hands . " why do you care ! This is something between m- !"

Before she could complete her sentence his lips were against hers. Her hands instantly yet naturally wrapped around his necks pulling him as close she could .

She felt as if he breathed life into her when she saw him or when he touched her . He touched her like no man could and she didn't like it .

She didn't like the power or have him. Too much power over a person was scary . You could destroy or build them with a word and that was scary .

Love was a weapon for June . It was never an emotion. She used it to get what she wants, step over people, destroy lives and families . You name it, she did it .....until now .

Until Sebastian was in. And she wishes everyday he wasn't in ...that he never got into her life, that she never stopped in the middle of the highway to act all bounty and mighty .

She wishes she haven't done many things . She wishes she could change time and people . But she couldn't, no one deserved someone like her .

Too broken to know love . Too thirsty for power...for revenge to know love. Ready to sell everyone on the first sign of danger .

She pressed her forehead against his, almost out of breath, "why won't you leave me alone "

He just let out a deep chuckle, his thumbing stroking her now swollen lip, "I told I'd burn you, didn't I ?" He stopped and pecked her lips, "I'd burn you with my love"

"But I'd hurt you as hell, be careful, I am warning you "

"Every part of me wants you to hurt me so go ahead "

She sat silently and stared at the wide sky . It was dark yet it held so much light .

Her index finger jumped from star to star counting them. Her eyes shone as the number got larger.


"Sebastian, do something about him . Get him to our side "

June kept her gaze up and sighed, "why is he so much of a bother to you ? I don't want to get him into this dirty game "

"June, listen to me carefully, open that little brain of yours" she said, pressing her index finger repeatedly against the side of her head . "He is young, dumb rich and ready to give you the world! Power, June, power is everything"

She continued," take this advice from me, a man in love is a man stripped of power". June nodded as she looked up to the sky . "June, do this for your mother, don't ever forget what they did...keep your wounds green "

keep your wounds green...keep your wounds green....keep your wounds green.

It kept ringing in her head. She sighed, " but aunt poll, how would he be of benefit for us ?"

"How would he be of benefit for you, you mean ? He'll keep you from going crazy ! You're always diverting from the plan, young woman"

"I repeat again, Sebastian was not a part of our plan!"

"Whatever, he still didn't make the heroic move of signing everything back to you , moving on, I don't like that Alex"

"Aunt poll! Alex is a good guy"

"Not for long, every man has a price June. They're searching for the closest to you"

June shut her eyes for a few seconds . Her knuckles turned white as she squeezed the railing . She was confused.

Two roads choice .

"June, that look, I don't want to see it again, understood?"


"Do something Alex ! Why is the water so still!'

Alexander pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't know where she is ! In fact no one does !"

"Then find her you bloody fool, she is a woman ! Where could she go"

Alex didn't like the sexist comment, "so what fucking difference does it make if she is a woman ?!"

"Since when does the Prince Charming Alexander care about woman and their rights, huh ? I thought you just loved playing with them "

Until now ....

Alex wetted his lips as he remembered June, she was almost in his hands, he was almost there ....almost .

He finished his glass of brandy, wiped his lips and shut his eyes. He threw his head back.

Sebastian was becoming a problem....a problem he didn't wasn't prepared for .

Sebastian couldn't sleep that day. His thoughts all consisted of one person ...June .

He closed his eyes and felt the whiskey burn the back of his throat. He smiled, he never felt that way in his life .

It was too ecstatic, too good to be true.

He groaned, he knew he wouldn't get sleep tonight .

Hey babies !! Missed you a lot . Here is a chapter as a part of my apology . Sorry for the long wait, I hope this makes it up ...or at least makes you trust me again .

I know that you missed all of this drama so much...poor Sebastian everyone is plotting something against him and he is like is going on !

What do you think of this chapter ? I hope you liked it and I hope I'm doing the characters some justice . I'll see you in the next chapter !

Bye ❤️🦄❤️🦄