Derek had just hung up and was now going through his closet for appropriate clothes. He was Julian's boyfriend-soon- to-be-fiance. He was one of the popular kids, having a bad boy personality, he loved to show-off, he was very active in social media.

He had met Julian in there 3rd year when he was transferred to their college. He had dated a lot of girls in the past but Julian caught his eyes. The way she easily blended with others while at the same time preferred being alone, but taking pride in herself. The way she didn't worry about anything and did what she wanted to do, regardless of what the others thought. He approached her at the beginning of the 4th year and asked her out. From what he understood was that she was reluctant, and considered him as a bad vibe. But he didn't give up, he changed a few of his habits; thou that was very hard. He started showing that he really cared about her, and his efforts were rewarded when the girl he wanted finally agreed. Some part of him still got the feeling that she still thinks of him as a bad vibe but he ignored it, reveling in his success of getting her.

It has been 1 year, 12 months & 364 days since he first asked her out. Tonight will be their 2nd anniversary. During their time together, he found out that unlike other girls from his past who cheated easily and were easy to get intimate with, Julian was extremely Fidel and didn't want to get intimate till the wedding.

He was thinking of the important conversation that he is going to have today and what her reaction might be. The fantasy-part of him thought that she will beg on her knees and give him what he wants but the realistic-part of him knew that she won't actually do it.

Spraying on some cologne, he took the keys of his beloved car; Black Bugatti La Voiture Noire. He locked the door and sped towards the Cafe.

He didn't care about the timing for this situation, he wanted to see her deeply hurt for not agreeing with him and this time of anniversary would be perfect. He didn't care if she would become a laughing stock after this but if she begged him maybe he would consider continuing their relationship according to his wishes.
