...Hiran quickly saw what conclusions Shawn was drawing and headed him off,

"Don't be an idiot!. He was persistent and he faked a change in his attitude to get her and since Julian had no experience in this matter she accepted. But after the break-up, Julian cut him off; once he made his snobbery clear. She was not going to tell him about her connections hoping to get attention or impress him. She wanted him to choose her for herself and not anything else".

She then added shrewdly,

"You never mentioned your full name to her".

Shawn nodded slowly and said,

"She saw me for me, not asking for my full name, profession, wealth, status. Never pressing for money or attention. She respected my obligations and was willing to work around them. In the same way, I respected her obligations and worked around them. There were times when I saw her curbing her investigator behaviour but she never used it on me".

He smiled faintly remembering the incident a week ago. He then said,

"She did allow me to pay for a water-bottle in the last week".

Hiran laughed and said,

"Julian is a perfect blend of her parents; proud and stubborn like her mother but thankfully she is also practical like her father. And like both of them she has high moral values and wisdom".

Hiran then advised him,

"I suggest you find time to talk about yourselves. If she finds out from an outside source, she will react badly. And you will destroy what you have now".

Shawn nodded in understanding and then said,

"I don't want to damage what we have now. It is hard to find someone who likes me for me and not anything else. I don't want to lose her".

The frown lines on his face deepened with worry and he appeared much older than his age. Hiran gave him the advice to open up to Julian because she is understanding, she might get angry initially but if he explains himself, telling her that his intentions were honest then she will forgive him. Shawn absorbed the advice readily and said,

"I will try tonight".


Hiran and Shawn turned towards the source of the voice and found Julian dressed in a blue cocktail dress with a sequined aquamarine shawl draped over her shoulders. On the pale expanse of her neck lied a pearl pendant strung on a silver chain that sparkled under light, they were complemented by the pearl studs in her ears. She was wearing a clasp bracelet on one wrist and a watch on the other wrist. And unlike most woman who wore high heels, she was wearing 2-inch block heels. She was barely wearing any make-up.

She looked divine in his eyes, he moved unconsciously towards her and stood in front of her like a statue. It was only due to Hiran pushing him from behind that caused him to snap out of his trance. He looked towards her brown eyes that showed mirth.

Shawn gave her the bouquet saying that she looked beautiful. Julian thanked him for the bouquet and turned around to put the bouquet in a vase, that was what he thought but the real reason was that his honest words dipping with utter sincerity made her blush and she didn't want him to see that. She got it under control before facing him and saying,

"Thanks! You look very handsome yourself".

She looked towards Hiran who smiled and said to Julian,

"You have a personable young man. He is a good listener, try talking a bit with him and listen yourself".

Julian blinked confused but nodded in agreement. "Of-course grand-ma". Then she turned her attention back to Shawn and said "Where are we going?".

Shawn just smirked and said that it was going to be a surprise when they heard a flash go off. Looking for the source they found  Hiran with a camera in her hand. Hiran with an innocent expression said,

"In my defense; I didn't know that the flash was on".

Embarrassed Julian took Shawn out, while Hiran just gave a laugh

and best wishes to both of them while closing the door behind them.

Shawn took her to dinner in a new restaurant that just opened. It was classy, luxurious but at the same time was private. Julian was impressed with his thinking. They took one of the private booths. ...