First Day of Class

Year: 2,734 s.a. Month: Harvestmoon . Day: Waterday, 29th . Time: morning.

Location: Cilphen, 32 Verlone road.

A woman with curly chocolate coloured hair and bright blue eyes was having tea on the balcony overlooking Cilphen. This was Alte'ea Fairchild, the Highschool President. She was wearing a white uniform with golden buttons and lining. ,On her left lapel was a badge in form of a miniature crown embossed with a P. She was reading papers while sipping tea. A step behind on her left was a fellow female student also in a white and gold uniform and similar badge hers has a VP instead of P. She had blue hair and black strands, what stood out was her different colored eyes.

- We'll have to go soon. – She addressed the HS president.

- This year is going to be very interesting Seras. – The chocolate haired girl put down her tea cup and handed her the files. She stood up and went inside.

The heterochrome eyed woman took the files and with a swift moved stored them back into her deck Card. Before she stored them, a picture of Sha'andris was seen.

Location: outskirts of Cilphen, Pandemonium Manor.

In another location a man dressed in a butler outfit opened a set of curtains and allowed light in the previously dark room. Once done he turned and opened the drapes of the canopy bed. A raven haired young man opened his amethyst eyes, ran a hand over his face and yawned. He accepted the bathrobe handed to him as he got out bed.

- Young master, Lu'ucien has yet to arrive. –

- He's probably in some one's bed. Not unusual. Send a car to pick him up. He's either at Ozlem's or Lauren's. – He hummed. – don't bother and just localize his Card. –

- At once young master. Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes. –

The raven haired man stood at the window and stared outside for a while. He turned and headed back towards his bed. He picked up his deck Card from his bedside. The Card had sword and on the handle a spade with the letter K in the middle.

- Serpent I have a deal for you. –

Location: Cilphen, Lotus Disctrict, 12 Cherry road.

A golden hair male in a black and purple lined uniform kissed a fellow blonde girl as she tied the matching tie and closed his shirt. He then hugged the other person, indigo haired boy still in his night wear.

- Luce, here let me-

He pinned a sword shaped badge with a J on the tie and handed him his uniform jacket .

- Thanks love. –

The now fully dressed blonde then left waving the two good bye as they laughed and blew kisses in his direction. He got into the car that was waiting for him.

- Sorry I am late. – he said to the person sat across him.

Location: Cilphen, 45 Raven's Avenue, apartment 6 .

A blood red haired and silver-eyed women looked in the mirror. She then shifted in her beta form. Blood red scales appeared on her jaw line and two lines on he sides of her neck that went up behind her ears. Her horns where large and also blood red and flecked with silver. They curled on themselves before they pointed towards the back of her head. She shifted her wins out of her back and she twirled. Checking herself out she absorbed them back. Satisfied she smoothed down her uniform and thenor as she pinned a cup shaped badge with a heart and a nestled in the heart K on her tieand then a thin bar of adamantium on her lapel. She turned back to her bed to grab her sword that she then fastened at the belt of her black and red uniform. A knock on her door had her call out

- Enter. –

- Hey you ready yet? – A deep male voice called out.

The blood red haired woman glanced at the files on the bed. She raised a hand to her ear and with a movement that showed experience turned her earring into her deck Card. In an other swift movement she had stored the documents and shifted her Card back into an earring. She snapped the Cup shaped earring back onto her ear. On the Cup was a heart and in the middle the letter K. Turning to the dark skinned and white haired male and smirked.

- This year is looking to be interesting. – she told him as she headed towards him.

Year: 2,734 s.a. Month: Harvestmoon. Day: Waterday, 29th. Time: Morning.

Location: Highschool Ruby Cups 1.1 classroom

Sha'andris walked towards her homeroom. At the doors she straightened her uniform before entering. The room was rather full. She looked around for a while and briefly looked at the groups that were already forming. She then caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

- Good morning Rhi'icharde? -

The green eyed ginger looked up from the book he was reading.

- Blessings Miss Folnier. It seems we will be sharing the same homeroom for a while yet. –

She smiled at him.

- Call me Sha'andris. I hope I wasn't disrupting you.- she motioned towards the book he was reading.

- Not too worry, you should have a seat it looks like class is about to begin.-

- What do you mean? – she started asking when the doors opened and a teacher walked in.

- To your seats please. Homeroom is about to start. –

Sha'andris glanced at Rhi'icharde as she took a seat. The latter had straightened out of his slouch and put his book away.

- We will be having a seating arrangement to stop any debate on this guy is in my seat. – The dark pink haired teacher turned to the blackboard and stuck a seating plan on it..

- Everybody up . I will call for attendance and give you your seat number. You will find the seat number are on the top left corner of your desk. This will also be the only time I will call attendance. Afterwards you will have to place your deck card in the same area to signal your presence. That is how attendance will be taken after today. Now up. -

In the next 20 minutes the still unnamed dark pink haired teacher took attendance and redirected the students to their seats. Once everyone was sat down in their correct new respective spots he finally introduced himself.

- My name is Lavantin Nieros and during the next 5 cyclces in your first year I will be your homeroom teacher and senior advisor. For those continuing on from middle school I will be replacing your junior advisor. That doesn't mean that you cannot contact your junior advisor if you wish to. To those joining us for the first time a senior advisor the person you turn to if you have any questions concerning your courses and life at the Academy. Any questions? –

A pale blonde girl raised her hand and professor Nieros called on her.

- Lamay'ia Aisa seat #3. Two questions. When will we be electing the class representative? And when are deck challenges open for highschool division. –

Professor Nieros raised an eyebrow.

- In order next month and as soon as the bell rings.-

She nodded and sat back down.

- Since Ms. Asia mentioned the deck challenges will start soon, the rules are still the same from middle school. Nearly the same. To the newcomers the number on your card is not fixed it can move up or down the scale. – He turned and took off the seating arrangement and started to write One to Nine on the board and under he wrote low and underlined it. Facing back his students.

- One to Nine are called the lower class Arkanna you can challenge up to 3 seats from your position in order to increase your rank. If you challenge the same rank you need 15 consecutive wins + 1 seat you need 10 victories. +2 you need 5 consecutive victories and +3 you need 2 consecutive victories. You also can challenge those below your rank but only one rank down and you need 10 consecutive victories. – he paused and looked over the class to see if the students where following his explanation.

As no questions where asked he turned back to the board and wrote 10, Page, Jack, Queen, King and Ace. Under 10 he wrote upper and under the rest he wrote Flush. Facing his audience he continued.

- These are the upper class Arkanna, the lower class can only challenge the 10 . Special circumstances outstanding just like the lower class cannot challenge the Flush the upper class cannot challenge anyone in the lower class.

- Sir? – a quiet voice called out. A brown haired black eyed teen stood up. – Claudius von Rebenne seat #27 How can you challenge a Flush as a lower class and what happens if you are able to challenge a Flush and win about those who win against a Flush? –

- They are awarded their rank. –

- And is there another method to enter the upper Arkana? – The von Rebenne frowned and pressed on as he noticed that Professor Nieros had not answered his first question,

The homeroom teacher subtly narrowed his eyes. Across the room Rhi'icharde Da'ale also narrowed his eyes at the von Rebenne. He subtly prepared a scanning circled and aimed it at the von Rebenne. Using his Card he recorded the results to analyse them latter.

- Yes the deck Shuffle and the end of year exams. The shuffle is held twice a year. We'll discuss it later. Any more questions? –

- Mathe Ingress, seat #19, is it possible to challenge more than +3 ranks above our own? - the silver haired boy asked.

- Hummm. You could. But I would advise against as the person challenged has the right to refuse your challenge and then that counts as an automatic loss. – Professor Nieros mused. – that and the unspoken rule that you should at least be at ran 5 before you challenge anyone +2 rank above or more. - He added.

Sha'andris raised her hand.

- Miss?

- Sha'andris Folnier seat#12, as a Ruby Cup member can I challenge a member of the Amethyst Flush – She questioned.

The students who where sat in front of her turned to ace her looking very incredulously at her. Even the homeroom teacher had gasped quietly at the question.

- No you can only challenge the Flush of your respective Suit. Well I hope you don't plan on challenging any member of the Flush. – Professor Nieros neutrally stated.

- I don't. So that means I can only challenge the lower Arkanna of the same Suit? –

- No you can challenge any lower Arkanna from all the suits. –

- That is all thank you for the clarification. – Sha'andris said and sat down.

- Alright anymore questions? Okay so if you place your Card on the upper left corner of your desk I will send you your time tables. –

The students complied and conjured their Cards from the various areas and state they were in. Sha'andris watched as her Card glowed and a message notifying her that se had received a mail containing an attachment from Lavantin Nieros appeared on her table. Opening her mail box she opened the mail and saw three timetables.

- You will notice that you have received three time tables. This is because Cephiead has a three week roll over. Simply accept the attachments and your Calendar will automatically do the counting for you and tell you which timetable to follow. I recommend you do so now as you will not necessarily start with the timetable labelled as 1. – he watched the new students follow his directions and frowned at seat number 27 when he didn't. –Today homeroom ran for an hour but it will usually only lasts 15 minutes. Homeroom is now officially over, time for you to head to your next class. – and the bell rang just as he finished his sentences and the stdents started to pour out of the room.

Year: 2,734 s.a. Month: Harvestmoon. Day: Waterday, 29th. Time: morning

Location: Top floors of Vesper Tower.

- Can you believe it? The Dean two more humans in the academy? Worse! They are related to the royal family of Thellone! – a dark green haired boy fumed.

- I agree with you Ty'er! The quality of this academy is not what it was. – a blonde girl with sepia horns voiced her agreement.

Ty'er nodded. – So long as that woman does not manage to place her people in the empty seats… - he sighed and turned to their last companion. – What do you think Ana'elle? –

The olive skinned girl with hair as dark as night and amber eyes stopped for a moment and continued on her path. Ana'elle Windemere, the heir to the Duchy of Windemere turned to her companions with a thoughtful look.

- Sha'andris Folnier. –

- What? – the blonde haired girl asked looking lost at the change of topic.

- Sha'andris Folnier. – Windemere repeated.

- That name rings a bell but I don't remember where I heard it. – Ty'er said.

- Why does that matter? How is this no name going to help us against that bitch and her lapdog? – Kai'ya all but shouted her frustration.

- Kai'ya, I understand your … dislike of Fairchild and Novaris and frankly I share it but she is our president and de facto Chairman until someone else has been elected. Hold yourself we are in public and you are a scion of House Alay'shi not some commoner. – Windemere scolded her.

Alay'shi took a deep breath and nodded in windemere's direction to show that she understood and she had gotten herself under control.

- Aha! Folnier! She's the mentee of Sperado. But I still don't see how relevant that is. – Ty'er Oishal exclaimed.

- She is human, she has mentorship with Sperado and he hasn't dropped her in the month she's been in his care. – Windemere pointed out.

Oishal and Alay'shi shared a lost look behind Windemere's back. Windemere saw their look on the reflection in the elevator and a fleeting pained look crossed her face at their short sightedness. She did not elaborate as while they talked they had reached their destination, floor Ambion.

The Senate was holding its first official meeting. As mandated every person holding a vote was to be present. This meant that in addition to the department head of all divisions, middle and high school as well as university, the Flush was present in its entirety.

The Senate met on floor Ambion, which was some floors below the Dean's office. The floor was the conference room as it was meant to comfortably house the entirety of the senate and some more. Styled in an ancient draconiem architecture. The seating was in a semi circular manner, the high school division sat in the middle as it was the biggest body of the Senate. The middle school division sat in the left wing and the university division sat in the right wing. In the front there was six seats. The front row held three seats, one for the president of each division. The second row held two seats. One for the Chair, the Speaker. In the final row, the final seat was for the Dean.

There were two front side wings where for the Flush. The upper left wing held the Amethyst Swords and the Emerald Coins. On the other side were the Ruby Cups and the Sapphire Wands. The seating for the Flush was such as this was one of the few occasions that the entirety of the Flush would be present in one space. Considering the bad blood between some members of the Flush, such meetings were held few and wide between. The outcome was one three things. Option one, things got done and all was. Option two, things got done and only a few people were injured and all was still well. Option three nothing got done and the room was in need of remaking and a lot of people were injured. Option three was the usual occurrence. Thus meetings necessitating the entirety of the Flush where held few and wide between.

Windemere looked at the time, there was still 20 minutes until the Senate convened, looking in Ambion she noticed that it was still rather empty. She walked in the room closely followed by her companions and took note of who was already there. As per their habit near to the totality of the middle school heads where already present, only their secretary, vice president and president where not present.

- Ana'elle look to the left. – Oishal gently nudged Windemere to get her attention.

She looked in the direction Oishal was pointing to and raised an eyebrow. Senator Sperado was already present, that was not unusual as he was known for his punctuality. No Senator Sperado was without his ever present shadow and was talking to Cosmo Velmone and Meredi'a Memthis. Velmone was the King of Sapphire Wands and Head of Labour of the high school division. Meredi'a Memthis wad the head of Finances also of the high school division. Both were members of the aristocratic faction. She understood why Oishal had gotten her attention. Never before had Sperado engaged a conversation with those two at any senate meetings. Windemere quickly activated a small magicks circled and focused it on her ears to hear what they were discussing but she was met with some resistance. She stopped before she was detected and turned to Oishal.

- I am going to go talk to Louis. –

- Alright. – he took Aly'shi's hand and walked in Sperado's direction.

Windemere sat down – greetings Senator Louis. –

The Senator had red hair with silver stripe , he was sat down with his head down on his folded arms.

- Greetings Senator Windemere what can I do for you? – he asked, not having moved an inch.

Windemere did not say anything and waited. Eventually he shifted slightly to reveal a black slitted eye with an inner and outer ring of red.

- Windemere. –

- Louis. –

They had shot stare off before Senator Louis folded. He sat up and took his Card out and raffled through and took out a few documents and handed them to Windemere.

- Like you asked. –

She took the documents handed to her and flipped through them.

- Perfect. – and she got up and went to follow her companions.

- Don't be act rashly she didn't get where she was by being stupid and easy to trick. Don't start a war you will not be able to finish. Things are changing. – Senator Louis advised as he turned his head back fully.

She stopped, if Senator Louis had been watching he would have seen her glowing amber eye and her furious countenance. She took a calming breath and schooled her face to a more neutral look. The doors of ambion opened and the person who walked in caught Windemere's attention. She gave the newcomer a brief nod and headed her way.

- Greetings Senator Windemere. – a soft female voice called out.

Windemere sighed internally and turned to face a tall woman in her full beta shift. She had grey hair and dark pink tips, her dark pink wings were folded on her back and her tail was wrapped on one leg. Her horns were also dark pink and curved upwards towards the ack of head. What stood out were her cerulean slitted eyes on her black skin. This was Kye'la Ferkaloni, head of the Highschool Treasury and Parcener to the Marquess of Ferkaloni.

- Greetings Senator Ferkaloni, what can I do for you? – Windemere asked amiably.

- We missed you at the Lughnasadh ball held by the Bergu'es. –

Windemere smiled – life is unexpected, there is always next year's Lughnasadh. –

- Of course. –

- Excuse me. – Windemere bowed her head in Ferkaloni's direction.

Ferkaloni flared her wings and curtsied and headed towards her seat. As the two had their brief conversation more members of the Senate trickled in. And the remaining members of the the Flush of Sapphire Wands walked in. The Wands were the only ones who liked to present a united front, that and they were the, relatively, least competitive Flush out the four.

Windemere checked the time, 10 minutes until the start of Senate. She looked around and noted who was still missing and turned her attention back to Sperado who was now alone.

- Greeting Senator. – Windemere leaned on the desk.

- Greetings Senator Windemere. – Sperado answered as he raised barrier up. – so what do you want Ana'elle? –

- Hello to you too. How have you been? Did you spend a nice desrya holiday? Enjoyed this year's Druen'elle Fair? – she snarked.

Sperado raised an eyebrow. – how are you today Ana'elle? How was the desyra rest? And Druen'ell? And what do you want? –

- Such impatience. – Windemere tutted at Sperado's behaviour.

At his mullish look she relented and simply handed him the papers she got from Senator Louis earlier. She contacted another a member of the liberal faction in the university division while she waited for Sperado to read the documents. She didn't have to wait long.

- Where did you get those? – sperado asked in cold anger, still reading from the papers.

- Trade secret. –

He placed the papers down. – how do I know that they are authentic. –

- I am Ana'elle Windemere, Parcener to the Duchy of Windemere, not some sleaze. – she hissed.

Sperado bowed his head in apology, Windemere was a prideful woman and noble she would not knowingly cheat someone once she made a promise. This meant that the documents where authentic, especially if the seal at the top was to go by.

- You still haven't told me what you want Senator Windemere. –

- You know what I want. –

- And a coup at this time is ill advice. –

Windemere laughed at that. – yes it is. No, what I want is your vote and that of your allies. –

- Just like that you want to me and y faction to vote in your direction no question asked? – he asked

- Haha no no no. I misspoke. I don't want you to vote in my direction. That would be appreciated. I just want you to make sure Fairchild's nominations don't make it. – she said with a smile.

- For Chair and Speaker? – he asked for clarifications.

Windemere looked him with something akin to pity. She stood up and answered.

- No all her nominations. – and left.

Sperado was silent and read through the papers again before he stored them in his Card. A pair of arms circle him.

- What has you frowning when Senate has yet to start. – Vinicent Striwuss whispered in his ear.

Sperado moved forward to make space for Striwuss to seat behind him and then leaned on him. He took out the documents he had stored and handed them to Striwuss.

After a while he asked – so what do you think? –

- These are authentic and I am curious how Windemere got them and what she wanted for them. – Striwuss took Sperado's Card and stored the documents again.

- She wants us to vote against any nominations that Fairchild will forward. – Sperado said with a small sigh.

- Smart and easily doable. Fairchild has made a lot of enemies. – Striwuss gently squeezed his lover.

A massive explosion shook the tower and the two shared a commiserating look. Striwuss huffed a laughed.

- That will be either the Swords or the Cups. – he put forward, a small pause before added. – or both. –

- Why did I not just graduate early? – Sperado asked in a suffering voice.

- You'd have gotten bored at home and been tempted to commit matricide? – Striwuss cheekily answered.

He dodged the swat sent his way and went to talk to his fellow heads of CNIA ( Cephiead's National Intelligence Agency) while Sperado headed to see what had happened. Before he left the room he looked in Windemere's direction and nodded.

Sperado took the lift down and arrived at a war zone. The reception hall was destroyed. The front desks had been destroyed, there were injured people lying on the floor away from the active zone where four people where still duking it out. A body was sent flying in his direction and he activated his magicks to stop the body.

Sperado noted that he'd caught Aya Renner the Ten of Hearts before he passed her in the arms of the waiting healers. He noticed one of the spectators was the Vice president of the University division, Gwen' ael Chandellium.

- Do you need a hand? – Sperado asked as he arrived next to the Vice President.

Chandellium turned to face Sperado. – be my guest – he said as he took a step back.

- Really? You aren't going to stop your cousin? –

- I gain nothing from this and if she cannot win her fights she should not start them. I'll see you at the Senate. – Chandellium nodded and moved on.

Sperado watched him go and sighed. He looked around looking for Laurent Juno the Head of homeland Security and in charge of stopping such outbursts. Who, as was in his habit, was not present.

- I will kill him when I next see him. – He mumbled under his breath.

Sperado unleashed his prana and activated the magicks present in his tools. A second later he had made it across the hall and knocked out the Page of cups. An instant later he had the Queen of Coins on the floor and a knee on her back and held a dagger in the Jack of Coins balls.

- I think that this is enough. – he called out with authority.

The Jack of Coins nodded his assent.

- Mind taking your dagger out of my balls? –

Sperado turned his full attention to the Jack. He smiled beautifully and pressed the knife higher.

- I need to head to the Senate? –

- Of course and here don't forget this. – still smiling like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, Sperado knocked out the Queen and gestured for him to take her.

Sperado stood to allow the jack to take his Queen ad leave. He turned his attention to the Page of Cups and looked to see if any other member of the. Flush was present. Seeing noone he sighed and conjured some water.

- Wha… - she spluttered

- Wakey wakey Chandellium. –

Chandellium slowly stood up and looked around askingly.

- Ow my head. What happened? – she asked holding her head gingerly.

- That is what I would like to ask you as, last I checked, fighting was prohibited anywhere in the tower. So what gives. – he asked

She simply glared at him and stomped away.

- Sure you do that. – Sperado called out as he watched he go.

He then headed to the head of human resources.

- Hi I am Senator Sperado, any cost in the repair and any other cost related to this incident to Natalia Sablier, Queen of Coins, Ether Bergues Jack of Coins and Sky'lar Chandellium Page of Cups. Should they disgree please get in touch with me and I will sort this out. – as he gave out orders he took his Card out to sho his official status and send his informaion to the head of HR.

- Of course Senator. –

He nodded and left. He walked towards the elevator and sighed. It looked liked today's meeting would end up with a lot of colateral damage. What a way to beginning the academic year.

- What a morning and the Senate has yet to beginning. – a male voice whispered in his ear.

Sperado summoned his daggers and in a flash had pinned the owner of the voice on the wall his dagger at their throat. The orange eyed blonde he'd pinned on the wall smiled at him.

- Morning Ash, I haven't seen you in a while. – the male said

- And I could have done without. Now take your hand of my ass Lu'ucien. – he added more pressure on the dagger on his throat.

The tall blonde chuckled and raised his hands and Sperado released him. This was Lu'ucien Veralis, scion of the Barony of Veralis and Jack of Swords and close friend to the Parcener to the Principality of Kaos, Ismak'ail Pandemonium. Sperado looked around and lo and behold behind him was the King of Swords looking indifferent as always.

Sperado sighed. – today is going to be a long day. – he said as in the walked in the elevator and Veralis back at hanging all over him. – I do not get paid enough for this. – he tried to shrug off Veralis but he was persistent and ever so cheerful.

They rapidly arrived at Ambion and Sperado looked to stock of the situation. All where present for the Queen of Cups, the Ace, Page and 10 of Swords. The other notable absences where the president and vice president of high school. This was not anything new. Fairchild always did like to make an entrance.

- Hey Ash. – Veralis called out

- Yeah? – he answered without looking.

- Ash. – he whined and poked him.

- What! – Sperado asked turning to face the person poking him. Only to receive a kiss.

- You look beautiful as always, need anything? – Veralis asked a small frown on his face.

Sperado sighed – maybe later – he eventually admitted. He shifted his face to eye the King of Swords.

- No. – Pandemonium denied having caught his look.

And he walked to his seat. Veralis kissed him again and followed after him not before telling not to worry about it, he would get him to come around.

- Should I be worried? – Striwuss leaned to ask after he'd retaken his seat.

- About? The kiss or the situation with Windemer? – he asked right back, eyes glittering.

An eye roll and a gentle shove were his answer.

- Looks like every body is here. – a female voice loudly called out from the back of the room.

The Dean, Altea Fairchild and her vice president Seras novaris walked across the room to sit herself down in the front seats. They were followed by the missing Flush, who sat in their respective areas. Once everyone was settled the Dean stood up and spoke.

- Let me officially beginning the first Senate meeting of the year. -