Befriended ~~~ Part Nine

My grand entrance was anticipated, the spotlight shone bright and followed my motion after the front door had closed behind me. He had called several times from the phone in the study. He hadn't a clue. I watched as he mentally orchestrated his lies ready to call the moves as the prompter would. My feet prepared for the Allemande, our hands connected, our pulses unsynchronized at the wrists now incapable of co-occurring. His truths began to blurt from his mouth as he kissed me on the lips. "Where have u been? I've lost my phone at bingo."

"Oh? Im sorry Lamont," I said expressing my sorrow.

His intro was superb. His riff renowned, which I had heard many times. His song, memorized. Melodic, he spake. The quarter note materialized and came from his lips. It dangled before his face. The semiquaver omitted. I stepped.

"Yea, and find my Iphone isn't indicated it was in a location I have not been in."

The beat of the song yet unstressed, my dance too swift for its delivery.

"Well, maybe there's a glitch."

Next came his stanza...quatrains filled with misrepresentation, the notes now plentiful as they danced at his lips. I anticipated his adlib.

"Yea, I guess I'll get up at 6 so I can order a new one before work. Ill probably leave early. Im so tired, its been a long day. She's lucky I remembered bingo, I was headed home when I thought about it. One of my extended days, and I feel every bit of it."

"Oh, Baby that sucks...I wanted to make love. Don't turn in just yet." I began to undress.

I cha-chaed closely behind half naked as he walked toward the kitchen. "Let me fix u a drink. Do we have any rum? If not maybe Sangria, I could use some wine."

The tempo hastened, the cadence of his punchlines dissatisfying, his equanimity maddening. I wanted to dance, he showed no interest. The moonlight shone above. I aimed at his feet.

"How was bingo?"

"Fine, Mom never bingos anymore, she just goes."

"Yea, Ms. Katherine is a regular. Every week. Faithfully."

The faceted disco ball. Each angle cast his truths, its craters deep, its sparkling phase full.

The ballroom floor heated underneath my bare feet. He loosened his tie. The imprint of his wedding ring visible.

"Yea. Ive been thinking, she's always alone. I should spend more time with her. "

"That would be great Love. I could come along too."

"Oh? Sure I mean, but u would be bored and all...I know u have no interest in the things we do."

He smelled like her body spray, as always. I looked down at my over sized boots and yet followed his swallow tailed coat.

"I just really miss u that's all. We are hardly together anymore."

(My phone vibrated)

Video call...

I waltzed.

"I need u Lamont. Now."

"Im really tired can't I take a rain check?"

"NO!" The cantata began.

"Im really not up for it, Im tired."

"U don't have to do anything, just lay back...ill do the rest."

"I only have 4 hours to sleep!"

His chorus...My cover.

"So let me get this straight. We haven't fucked in 6 weeks, and u are tired? Isn't graveyard your shift?"


"Christy, NOT TONIGHT! Im too tired for the games!"

"Please Lamont, Im so horny. Lets try again, Im ovulating."

(Unzips his pants)

"U are moist..."

Her dried cum was on his satisfied dick.


My fingers instantly went numb as he squeezed my wrists. The salsa interrupted his truth. His shuffle yet asynchronous to my quickstep, his Bolero to my Rumba.

His adlib.

"This isn't working. What is it u want?"

His lifeline faint and lacking its harmonious ramifications. His strained high notes weakened by my octaves, soon he would hear all four, his selection would become wane I was now the prima donna, his staccato obliterated. Serenaded by the devil.

Revenge. Revenge was what I needed, not wanted.

His rejections. My needs. I had needed him night after night, I cried each time I satisfied my own needs. I definitely had rivers of needs. I was accustomed to his mitigation. Her smell. I stood from my knees. I wanted to taste him, why had I been excluded? We parted. 'Bitch' he mumbled.

I stood in the shower, the tears flowed as the white paint began to wash from my face and down the drain. My rounded nose tightened its secured presence evident. The anniversary gift had been in vain. When she agreed I was elated. Due on our anniversary 6 weeks. Mariah had visited often. I had even suggested he rubbed her stomach. The back of his hand purposely rubbed her breast, I noticed his erection. I felt it to be a natural reaction. She was indeed carrying his child. We had succeeded and Katarina would be her name. From that point he paid her no mind, she'd even worn the two piece and painted the initials KLC on her belly, he never noticed. His phone had him occupied the whole time we were at the lake. I wanted to watch them, she needed him as I would have. My curly red hair matted to my face as I tried to wash away the mortification. The paint around my mouth red and stubborn.

I stepped out of the shower and reached for my phone. He had accepted the request. He was handsome and thuggish. Chocolate, I wanted him to hurt me. His phone number resulted his profile. Had he fucked her? Was it only business...

His body was angelic, his dimples deceiving. I would allow it. He was demanding, I needed to be reprimanded. We were clandestine rivals, I had to defeat the predator. I knew what I needed to do. I had to get revenge. I could not let him interfere, he conspired. He'd waved...apparently he liked her, we could pass as the same girl. She had not been hard to find at all.



Damn I know u?

U Can...

Incoming Video Call.

The paint...I wondered if it could still be seen.

I got dressed. I needed his gun.

The gps had said my destination was 21 minutes away he awaited my arrival. Lamont would pay the piper later.