Her Nightmare

Hera's hands reached out in desperation, trying to seize the towel back. She's not sure whether it's because she pulled it too hard or he purposely let it go she fell off the bed, and her head hit the floor hard. Squeezing her eyelids, she winced in pain.

Rubbing the sore spot with one hand, Hera frantically searched for the towel. Only she didn't find one. She looked down at her body, and to her surprise, she wasn't naked either. She found herself fully clothed in the same clothing she changed into before going to bed yesterday night. The dampness she felt had nothing to do with her hair. It was completely dry, and there's no wet towel anywhere near her. 

For obvious reasons, she was sweating like a pig. 

Hera couldn't understand anything as confusion clouded her mind. She looked around, searching for Hunter but couldn't find him. There's no trace of his presence in the room at all. She realised that he's nowhere in sight.