He's Beautiful

Hera's nose scrunched up as she winced in pain while her fingers clutched a handful of hair. They both looked at her long hair to check what caused her distress. Some of her hair got stuck around Hunter's wristwatch. And some got tangled with the chain and steel medallion pendant he's wearing around his neck. 

"Shit. How did the chain come out of my shirt?" Hunter muttered cluelessly as his facial muscles pulled down in a frown. Hera tried to pull her hair out of his watch, only to yelp in pain. "Stop pulling it, Goddess. You're only hurting yourself. Let me help you," Hunter said in a softer tone. He forgot his anger as soon as he realized that she's in pain. 

After some struggle, he finally succeeded and freed her hair from his wristwatch. Next, he tried to untangle the strands from his chain. But the damn thing wouldn't budge. After his fourth try, he gave up. Hera too couldn't free it.