One Of The Hardest Days

Adelaide snatched the electric shaver from Bianca's hand. "If you don't get out of here in the next minute, I'll go to the school authorities to file a complaint against you," she warned Bianca. Her voice sounded so threatening it surprised Hera. She even ripped Bianca's hand from Clara's hair. 

Hera was confused as well as intrigued by Adelaide's new behaviour. She looked so scared and timid at the dining hall, and suddenly she's acting so brave and concerned for Hera and her friend Clara. 

'Why would be she so interested in my life all of a sudden? She hardly knows me.'

Bianca looked furious. She yanked Adelaide's hair with one hand and with her other hand, she grabbed her wrist and twisted her hand. Helpless Adelaide cried out in pain. "You think you can threaten me? Didn't your boyfriend Noel tell you not to mess with us?" Asked Bianca.