Everybody Deserves A Second Chance


Hera was all alone in her room. What were her friends busy with, she'd no idea whatsoever. Maybe they're all still angry with her, and that's why avoiding her? Very much possible. But Hera welcomed the alone time. She needed it. She shoved the backpack under the table, tossed her uniform jacket on the desk, and grabbed a loose sweatshirt and jeans to get changed. 

But her feet halted suddenly, eyes guiding her back to her uniform blazer. Somehow, the intriguing stranger's handsome face made an appearance in her mind invading her thoughts. Hera took out the crispy notes Johnathan the stranger gave her. She held it in her fingers, and her thumb automatically moved over them in a light caress. It felt warm and soft to the touch. 

Something tugged at her heart and brought a soft smile onto her face.