He's The Definition Of A Bad Boy

Hera found Hunter sitting on the stairs surrounded by his gang of friends, and their backpacks kept to the side on the floor. They talked animatedly, laughing and high-fiving at something they were discussing. 

Hera's lips twitched downward morphing into a scowl as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her. Hunter was sitting sideways on the stairs, leaning against the balusters, with his knees drawn up, elbows settled on his drawn-up knees, and his olive green uniform jacket was off, resting on his thighs. 

Bianca was sitting beside him one step down to his left. She bent her head down, sloping towards him, finally stopping to rest her head on his thigh, and her hands wrapped themselves around his knee. Out of the blue one of Hunter's hands came down and absent-mindedly started to stroke her soft, long blonde hair. 

Something pinched Hera's heart painfully after witnessing their gesture of affection.