Fate Has Other Plans


Somewhere around London, her very existence stole someone's peace of mind. 

The floor-length creamy white curtains which separated the room from the balcony flew around, surrendering its will before the strong wind. Johnathan watched inattentively from the balcony of his hotel room, leaning against the cold, steel railing. His one hand gripped the railing for support while his other hand lifted the cup of tea to his mouth.

Sipping the English tea, he glanced down, following the ruffling sound of the silk robe he wore. The weather was windy, and the soft, thin material of his attire hardly blocked the cold, chilling him to the bone. He welcomed the harsh air biting into his skin as his punishment, anything to relieve him from unwanted thoughts. 

He thought if his body grew exhausted, he could get some rest, but he knew it wouldn't happen. The harsh chilly weather was hardly cruel to be regarded as exhausting.