Filled With Warmth And Love

Hera learned that they entered the house through the back door, which led to the kitchen. Hunter locked and double-checked the door while Hera scrutinised the kitchen. 

The grey and white floor looked like a chequerboard, and it had a black slate roof and a grey stone chimney. The counter was pure white matching the cabinets. 

A small rectangular white dining table with four grey chairs placed around it complimented the kitchen perfectly. Hera dragged the tip of her fingers on the shiny table as she moved ahead, wondering how neat and tidy everything looked. 

"You didn't tell me whose place is this," Hera said, following Hunter into the living hall as he switched on the lights. "My grandma's. My dad spent his early childhood here," Hunter said, waiting for her to join him at the spiral staircase. Hera was busy admiring the interior of the house.