Evil Intended Minds

Bianca eyed her friend with an 'Are you serious?' look. But she wasn't really surprised her friend would ask something so stupid. "Why would he agree to do that, Sam?" She asked incredulously. Samantha smiled with conviction, "That's where you come, Bee. You've to convince him somehow. Help me this one time, Bee and I'll win over his heart. I'll make him love me." Samantha begged, and Bianca shook her head in disapproval. 

She knew that would never happen. Samantha couldn't understand how deep Hunter's love was for Hera. 

Bianca was deep in her thoughts, torn between the two options she'd to choose. She cared deeply for both of her best friends, Ace and Samantha. She didn't want either of them to get hurt.

'This insoluble dilemma!'