Tall, Dark, Handsome Devil

The cold water hit Johnathan's face harshly as Alexander splashed the whole glass on him in anger. He jolted up in a flash but soon realised he'd to fake a shocked state. "What happened? What was that?" He stuttered, pretending to be surprised. Alexander's lips twitched in a wrathful smile, and his eyes burned with fury. 

Before Johnathan could blink, Alexander's fist landed on his face in a hard punch. Johnathan didn't see it coming. It was so sudden he couldn't dodge it and fell off the sofa. Grunting in pain, he looked at Alexander pasting a confused expression on his face. 

"I don't have time to waste, John. So open your mouth before I put a hole in your head with my gun. Where's my daughter?" Alexander cut straight to the point, and Johnathan's face went pale.