Unbreakable Bonding

Hera hit him on his arm with her tiny fist. She winced when it hurt her more than it hurt him and tried to shove him away. Eric laughed some more at her futile effort. He was amused, and she felt stupid. 

Deciding to give him a silent treatment, Hera chewed her food harder. Meanwhile, Eric gulped down half of the fluid in his glass in one go and poured the remaining half into Hera's glass, filling it to the rim. "Hey," Hera yelled in protest, catching Hunter's attention. Laughing, Eric ran away from her as she tried to pull him back. 

"Eric Gabriel Costa, come back here, right now," she yelled but in vain. The said angel only snorted his laugh in response. "Whoever named you Gabriel is a sinner for life and angel Gabriel must be feeling ashamed to share his name with you," she shouted at him and gave him the middle finger. Grinning wide, Eric jogged backwards to the exit. "I love you too, Pixie," he said, blowing her a kiss before he disappeared from her view.