Immature Teenagers

Hera tossed and turned as sleep took its sweet time to seize her consciousness. Hugging herself, she took a deep breath, inhaling Hunter's scent his jacket had caught on. It brought a sure comfort as Hera struggled to keep her tears at bay. It was all in the past, but still so fresh in her memory like it happened just yesterday. 

That day, when Hunter left her alone, Hera slumped to the floor, and cried her heart out, hiding her face in her palms. No one was next to her to console. She didn't need them anyway. The only one she wanted was Hunter, but she doubted he would appreciate her presence right now. Only one thought kept digging deep in her brain.

'Would Hunter forgive me?'

She was afraid he would break up with her. 

Michael, Samantha and Bianca left as soon as Hunter decided to abandon Hera. Probably to offer moral support and console their best friend. He was heartbroken, after all.