It's Their Love Story

Hera zoomed in the sketch, and her breath hitched as her heart skipped beats several times. But it wasn't a pleasant feeling, not like when her heart somersaults or butterflies swing their wings in her stomach every time she admires Hunter's good looks. 

It was an unpleasant, insecure, jealousy kind of ugly feeling. Someone had drawn Hunter's sketch, thick lines made with black ink or charcoal, Hera wasn't sure, but one thing she was sure about was that it's Hunter's face smiling at her through the phone's screen and whoever made it had seen him up close, known him with familiarity. 

For a fleeting moment, Hera thought maybe it's someone else's face with Hunter's resemblance, it could be anyone. 

'Huh, who am I kidding?'

She knew Hunter like how she knows breathing or how her heart remembers to beat. She couldn't be wrong. 

'It is my Hunter's face in the sketch.'